Episode 1: Meet Your Backyard Buddies

Episode 3: Mantis Fun Feature

Episode 5: Exploring at Night

Episode 7: Building Backyard Bird Habitat

Episode 4: Building a Bug Whare

Episode 6: Backyard Birds

Landcare Research New Zealand Garden Bird Guide

NZ Birds Online. Digital encyclopaedia of New Zealand bids, including images, calls, and everything else you need to know

Garden Bird Survey

Episode 8: Garden Gorgeous Geckos and Splendid Skinks

Look Out for Lizards in Taranaki (Lizard guide)

Attract lizards to your garden

New Zealand Lizard Societies: New Zealand Herpetological Society and SRARNZ (Herpetological research in New Zealand)

Episode 10: Become a Backyard Pest Detective

PredatorFree NZTowards Predator-free Taranaki. For Taranaki-related trapping advice; website lists suppliers of $10 rat trap packs

Pest Detective. How to identify droppings, footprints, and other clues. 

Rotokare Eco-Creations: Tracking Tunnels DIY 

Rotokare Tracking Tunnel Resource Book (footprint identification) 

Rotokare Chew Card Activity

Landcare Research Chewcards: a guide to the interpretation of animal tooth impressions

Using Trap NZ

Episode 9: Identifying Backyard Plants

Episode 2: Backyard Bug Hunt

Rotokare Invertebrate Scoresheet

Landcare Research key for bug identification

Phil Bendle Collection for a look at the diversity of invertebrates found in Taranaki

For feedback from experts, upload your bug photos to iNaturalist NZ

DOC's Experiencing invertebrates in your green space